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Training School on Corpus Linguistics
Training School
Adrián Granados Navarro
Feb 22, 2024

From February 19th to 20th, 2024, Francisco Lorenzo and Adrián Granados of Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain, held an 8-hour workshop on Corpus Linguistics. The aim of the workshop was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of Corpus Linguistics, with a detailed overview of the subject matter, for all the attendees.

The workshop alternated between theory and practice. On Day 1, the first session introduced the basics of corpus linguistics, providing insights into its relevance and potential applications. The second session delved into the possibilities of linguistic analysis computation tools, providing a practical understanding of lexis, syntax, and discourse metrics provided by different software tools.

On Day 2, the third session showcased real-world research using corpus linguistics software, offering tangible examples and a discussion of the implications of research results. Finally, the fourth session involved hands-on experience in text preparation and processing. Participants became familiar with MultiAzterTest, a versatile software tool for analyzing English, Spanish, and Basque texts. Throughout all the sessions, participation was very active, with more than 200 chat interactions overall.

To summarize, these sessions provided participants with a general understanding of corpus linguistics as a research methodology and practical knowledge of utilizing computational tools efficiently. The objective was to enable them to conduct their research in bilingual and literacy fields with both precision and effectiveness.

Participants' feedback

·       This has been two days of immensely useful training - Francisco and Adrian are fabulous teachers!

·       The training was very informative and useful. We learned about the tools and how they can be used in language/corpus analysis.

·       I found the sessions very easy to follow and understand. I have a better understanding of corpus analysis and feel more confident to try it myself.

·       Learning by doing - getting to try out some analyses, etc. using files provided by the team.

·       Great

·       It was great and useful. I learned a lot.

·       Very interesting and insightful.

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