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WG 4 at #AILA2024 in Kuala Lumpur
Craig Neville
Aug 19, 2024

Although very early in the morning, delighted to present our research from Working Group 4 focusing on digital and extramural digital practices of learners from CLILNetLE COST ACTION at AILA 2024 in Kuala Lumpur as a part of COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology. What did we find out?

✅CLIL teachers need to develop more understanding about what learners do at home when using digital technologies in informal language learning scenarios and leverage these in the classroom.

✅CLIL teachers and learners use smart home technologies increasingly frequently. How can we leverage these skills in school contexts?

✅Teachers and learners show a preference for mobile technologies at home. Should we be prohibiting their use in school contexts or teaching critical digital literacy skills to ensure their ethical usage?

If you’d like to read our report from our panel-European surveys, you can find it here.

🙏 Finally a big debt of gratitude goes to COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology for their generous funding, particularly for Early Career Researchers, to allow us to share our research at such an important event in the field.

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